Farm Friends - Pets Corner moves to its Winter Quarters

This week the temperature has dropped and with today's cold wind we decided it was time for the rabbits and guinea pigs to move to their cosier winter accommodation.  The rabbits were easy enough to catch and quite happy to temporarily go in the carrier whilst they were taken to their new home.  

The guinea pigs however were a little more reluctant - I've mentioned before how they like to spend most of the time underneath their house, well, this doesn't help you when you're trying to pick them up.  I tipped up the house while Dad shouted "Pig!" and Spence would dive in the direction of the guinea pig nearest him.  

Spence then had the brain wave of using the fishing net but on catching Charlie in it, a quick wriggle by him revealed a hole in the net and Charlie was once again free!  Anyway after much hilarity, diving and exclamations of "Pig!" Rhubarb, Charlie, Barley and Abigail were all caught and taken up to where rabbits, Minky and Monty were waiting for them.

Monty making sure the guinea pigs are ok

Minky up on a shelf looking on

All 'snoochied' in, warm and comfy and going against the theory that
rabbits and guinea pigs don't get on when all together!
Poltarrow Farm
Self Catering Cottages and Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast in Cornwall


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