Farm Friends - Feeding Time for the Cattle

Dad and Spence were putting a new bale in for the cows so Guy and I wandered out to have a look.  Dad leaves the cows out all winter which is quite unusual normally cattle come inside for the Winter so their feet don't poach the wet ground but because Dad farms so extensively rather than intensively (i.e. his stocking density is very low - each cow gets A LOT of room so totally unprofitable but nice for the cows!)However winter grass won't provide enough sustenance so hay is given to supplement their diet.

Can you spot the odd one out in the photo above?  The eagle eyed of you will spot a sheep tucking into the hay.  That's Mint, one of the lambs that was bottle-fed by visiting children over the summer.  Originally it was intended that they wouldn't have seen Christmas, they should be tucked up in the freezer but the travelling slaughter-man/butcher that was meant to come to the farm never turned up and we never got around to re-booking.  So, they're still here!  Here's Sauce - up the other end of the shed happily tucking in too!

Having been bottle fed for so long means that they are quite tame. 
Mint is prone to jumping through the feed barrier so he can really get stuck into the hay.
Titus tried his best to get Mint to hop back through but he was having none of it!

Spence and Dad discussing other jobs that need to be done - an endless list!

Guy busy distributing the hay - one small handful at a time
I don't think that I've shared 'Horace' on the blog yet - here he is.  The lucky boy chosen to come and visit and see if he can get a few of the ladies pregnant. 

Look at that head - a proper Billy Bull - isn't he handsome?  If he does his job we should expect calves next September.

Poltarrow Farm
Self Catering Cottages and Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast in Cornwall


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