Farm Friends - new hens at Poltarrow Farm

Recently here at Poltarrow we have had a delivery of some new friends; Miss Moneypenny, Lady GaGa and Beyonce are Pekin Bantams.

The first Pekins are said to have been stolen from a private collection held by the emperor of China in Peking around 1860. Another story states they were imported from China around 1830-1840 and were presented to Queen Victoria. These imported birds were then crossed with other breeds and are now know today as Pekin Bantams .


Initially Miss Moneypenny, Lady GaGa and Beyonce were rather shy, trying to hide in the corner.  The Pekin is a very gentle bird. They are good layers of small eggs but are broody, making them great mums. They make excellent pets for children as they are tame.

The resident ex-battery hens have made sure the new arrivals know who rules the roost! Peter has let the hens have the run of the vegetable patch so they will clear it of weeds in preparation for the new growing season.

Resident Silkie Bantams, Snowball and Fuzz are not so confidant about the new arrivals and take to hiding in an opposite corner.  No matter though in a few hours everyone had made friends and settled down.
