Days Out - magical St Michael's Mount

A wedding in West Cornwall this weekend allowed time for a bracing walk along the beach at Marazion on Sunday afternoon.  After a lovely lunch at the Goldolphin Arms we worked off the calories walking to Long Rock and back.  The beach was busy with walkers and their dogs enjoying the sunshine and the kite surfers were also out, taking advantage of the keen wind!
The magical sometime island of St Michael's Mount dominates the horizon.  The legend of the mount is that it was once home to the giant Cormoran who used to wade ashore and steal cows and sheep from the villagers to feed his gargantuan appetite. One night, a local boy called Jack rowed out to the island and dug a deep pit while the giant was asleep. As the sun rose, Jack blew a horn to wake the angry giant who staggered down from the summit and – blinded by the sunlight – fell into the pit and died.

To add to the enchantment of the mount, getting there takes a bit of careful planning.  At low tide you can walk along the cobbled causeway however at high tide you will need to catch one of the motorboats back to the mainland.  The mount today is still a family home and the St Aubyn family invite guests to visit the castle and gardens.  I noticed that it is open for February half term, reopening regularly for the summer season at the end of March.
