Calm after the storm

I hope that you are well in your part of the UK.  At Poltarrow we have experienced some of the strongest winds I have ever known but we are still here and haven't fared too badly.  Peter's cattle currently have a leafy outlook as the fir outside their shed came down - more firewood for Spence to cut up!

A dwarf willow just outside the Sika is waiting to be uprighted and retied to the stake for extra support.

So nothing too disastrous.  As you have no doubt seen on the news the weather has meant some pretty impressive waves on our coast.  Spence and I went to Watergate Bay to take a (safe) look - this photo was taken from the coastal footpath.....

...and this photo was taken from the warmth of the Watergate Bay Hotel's cafe which has just as good views and even better hot chocolate!

Back here at Poltarrow and the farm has lots of signs that Spring is just around the corner.


Peter made the decision not to keep the cattle shut in this winter; being an old fashioned breed Ruby Reds are hardy and used to being outdoors.  As we do not farm intensively and follow organic guidelines the cattle eat no processed food and do not get too fat; they are given hay to supplement their diet through the winter.   We still hope that there will be new calves born later in the Spring.


The Canada Geese have arrived down on the pond; they usually spend the winter with us before making their onward journey.

It is great to see nature waking up letting us know that the end of winter is in sight!

Poltarrow Farm
Self Catering Cottages and Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast in Cornwall

