Jobs at Poltarrow - Cottage Car Park
Have you ever wondered what happens to the tarmac planings from the roads when the council have scraped off the top to resurface? Thought not....anyway the council sells this waste product which can then have another life, in this case around our farm. Back in Autumn 2012 after having spent 3 weeks travelling around South America we came home to discover that Spencer had resurfaced the back lane with these planings; it looked great as well as providing a smooth surface to drive on.
So just before Christmas Peter, Tom and Spence set to work on the cottage car park. The council delivered the planings and left them in numerous piles around the car park making it look like we had been invaded by giant moles!
These piles were then spread around by Spence using the mini-digger.
This left Tom with the riveting job of rolling the planings in. Painfully slow work that needs to be done repeatedly so the planings do not move too much when driven on.
It does however create an opportunity to catch up on Facebook and Snapchat!
Guy inspected the works to make sure all was well, "I spy a lump over there Dad!"
Poltarrow Farm
Self Catering Cottages and Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast in Cornwall