Around the farm - Bloomin' marvellous

The weather has finally warmed up and here on the farm everything is coming to life.  Peter is thrilled at this as he has recently bought a new lawnmower and has been waiting for the grass to start growing in earnest so he can cut it!  I hope he is as keen to keep on top of it in September!  I hope you enjoy these few photos of Poltarrow coming to life......

Most of the daffodills have come to an end now but these pale yeallow beauties are continuing to delight as do the Camelias in the farmhouse garden ....

On Roebuck cottage this clematis is doing very well and is loaded with flowers nodding in the breeze.

Every year I mark on the calendar when I have seen the first swallow of the year, - the date this year was the 15th April, despite the cooler weather this Spring that is 9 days earlier than 2012.

This Wisteria on Roebuck cottage is being trained across the wall next to the outdoor eating area, covered with its fuzzy buds these will burst into flower providing a beautiful display (and scent) in May for anyone dining al fresco.

Self seeding Grape Hyacinth which have been left to establish themselves and why not when they look this pretty?

The handsome avenue of horse chestnuts that line the main drive at Poltarrow - they are almost there and will look very fine with their fresh, spring-green coloured leaves and white 'candlesticks'.  Unfortunately one of the trees has died over the winter, Pete has been given a replacement and needs to get it in the ground asap - it is a job that should have been done already to give the new tree the best chance.

Blossom in the Farmhouse garden......

It is great to see people digging out their summer wardrobes at last to enjoy the sun - long may it continue!


Poltarrow Farm
Self Catering Cottages and Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast in Cornwall