Jobs at Poltarrow - New kitchen for Red Deer & doors for Fallow

One of our jobs for winter was to update the kitchen in Red Deer cottage.  This has now been completed and was unveiled to our half term guests last week.

Another job that has kept Peter busy has been the removal of the windows in the Fallow and replacing them with doors and Juliette balconies. I managed to catch Peter as the doors were going in.

Obviously the stonework under the windows had to be removed to make space for the doors.

Hope it fits!

Showing Peter how it's done - after all he's only got 50 years building experience!

Starting to "make good"

The southerly aspect means the rooms will be flooded with sunlight
as well as enjoying views of the courtyard with fields beyond
All installed and waiting for their final coat of paint, doorhandles and for the Juliette balconies to arrive

Poltarrow Farm
Self Catering Cottages and Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast in Cornwall