Best in Show

Many of our local agricultural shows have been cancelled or postponed because of unfavourable weather; I am sure it in no different in your part of the world.  With the jet stream moving north later this week I am hoping that 'normal service will resume' and the rest of the show season will carry on as usual.  Here at Poltarrow we have known for some time that glorious weather is on its way as Katherine, our middle daughter, is having a wood burner installed on Thursday - a surefire way to ensure a heatwave!

One show that did go ahead was the local Young Farmers' Club's 'Fun Day'.  Those of you that have stayed with us in November may have come across them as they use the sports hall to practice 'indoor sports' for a competition that they take part in with other young farmers from around the county.

Part of the Fun Day included a Dog Show so seeing that Titus has recently had his bi-annual trim and was looking relatively presentable I decided to take him along.  There were 10 classes and included friendliest dog, smiliest dog, waggiest tail, dog the judge would like to take home most, best dog etc.  Due to the recent wet weather the farmer had not been able to cut the grass so it was rather long and the smaller dogs had to be put onto straw bales so the judge could actually see them!  I am pleased to report that Titus did us proud; here he is with his collection of rosettes.

I was thrilled that he was placed first in 'best dog' as the judge thought he was the most like his breed ought to be.  I can confirm however that he would win no prizes for 'dog that stands nicely to have his photo taken'!

We had great fun and would definately enter another show - Libby's not too keen on the rosettes that are now proudly displayed in the kitchen and calls them 'dustcatchers' so I don't know how long they'll last!



Poltarrow Farm
Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast
Self Catering Cottages