Days Out - Heligan Harvest

At the weekend our daughter Katherine was visited by her old university friends, they took advantage of the beautiful weather (if a little blowy) on Sunday and visited the Lost Gardens of Heligan to take a look at the harvest display.  The display is next door to the tearooms so people are able to visit the display and then sample the produce by tasting the delicious butternut squash soup.

The wonderful display this year is in the shape of a birthday cake to celebrate that it is 21 years since the gardens were redicovered and woken from their slumber by Tim Smit and John Nelson.

They also went into the gardens as it had been some time since Katherine's friend Mags had visited them and she was keen to not only show her husband Peter but also see how they had changed since her first visit over 8 years ago.  First stop was the kitchen gardens - a chance to see where the produce for the display had come from.

Plenty still left to be harvested.

The colours of these beets are so vibrant.
Mags and Peter studying the names of the vegetables.

The kitchen garden looks very neat and tidy.
These agapanthus have been put inside the greenhouse, presumably to protect them over winter
Perhaps my favourite area at Heligan - the Italian Garden.

This is taken in the Jungle area - Gunnera or Giant Rhubarb is another favourite of mine.
The Mud Maid by local artist Sue Hill and her brother Pete.

They also made the Giant's Head; both were designed to enhance the woodland experience,
following the fashion of Victorian ornamentation.

My daughet Katherine and her husband Spencer.