Farm Friends - Pet's corner welcomes new arrivals

Those of you who have been reading from the start will have heard of Barry; he comes to the farm on Fridays to help Peter.  Barry has a habit of turning up with things he thinks we might need: bathroom taps, a hoe, a length of chain are just some of the items that have arrived at the farm.  Recently though his offering was a lot more fluffier than usual......
Introducing Button....

...and his mate, Beau

...and his friend, Peppa

Button, Beau, Pip and Peppa came complete with a large hutch and run, food bowls and drinker.  Unfortunately we are not sure of the sex of any of them so we had to make a bit of a guess when naming them.  Peter and Barry have taken a piece of field near the play area and created an enclosure where children can enter and make friends.

Just don't forget the lettuce!
