Days Out - Daphne Du Maurier Festival: 12 - 21 May 2011

I have recently booked my tickets to attend 'Alistair Campbell: The Diaries' which is an evening that forms part of the 2011 Du Maurier Festival of Arts & Literature held in and around Fowey.   
Daphne Du Maurier
Dame Daphne du Maurier (1907 - 1989 DBE 1969, Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature) began writing short stories in 1928, and in 1931 her first novel, 'The Loving Spirit' was published, it received rave reviews and further books followed. Then came her most famous three novels, 'Jamaica Inn', 'Frenchman's Creek' and Rebecca'; each novel being inspired by her love of Cornwall.  She lived and wrote for many years in nearby Menabilly, Du Murier's home also called Menabilly is thought to be the inspiration for Rebecca's 'Manderlay'.

The festival has been running for many years now and attracts 'big' names (this year Ann Widdecombe, Prof. Robert Winston, Evelyn Glennie, Rory McGrath, Tim Rice, John Sergeant, Fisherman's Friends, Prue Leith and Shakin' Stevens no less!) as well as there being garden tours, literary walks and talks, dancing lessons, local 'Am Dram', historians and musicians.  Tickets vary in price from £6.50 to £29.50 (for Shaky!)

Do have a look at the
festival's website for more information and book soon - those Shaky tickets won't last long!
